Fascia is the soft tissue component of the connective tissue system that permeates the human body. The fascia system forms a continuous tensional network throughout the human body and envelopes every element of the body, including the muscles, organs, bones, nerves, arteries and veins.
Fascia includes the tissue of the joint capsules, ligaments, and tendons as well as the tissue surrounding the organs of the body. It includes the tissue of the skin and the dense planar tissue sheets of the body. For this reason, the fascia can be called the “organ of structure” for the human body as it largely determines the shape and movement of the body.
When the fascia is healthy and in good condition, force is transmitted through the body with ease, fluidity and vitality. Healthy fascia is highly elastic and resilient, and provides a high level of stability during dynamic loading, which in turn provides for a high degree of injury -prevention. However, when the fascia health is compromised, this will result in a loss of elasticity and resilience, and injury to the body occurs more easily. With an injury or excessive strain, it is the fascia that often adapts to stabilize the local area by shortening, thickening, and adhering to neighbouring structures in the body. This will affect the whole structure of the body and often results in fatigue, misalignment, discomfort and restriction of movement.
The fascia of the body tells a story of a person’s life, all events are reflected in the fascia including physical and emotional trauma. When there is an adhesion in the fascia it is often a sign that the communication in the body has been compromised to some degree. In order to bring the fascia back to a healthy condition and function we need to restore this communication in the fascia network of the body.
The fascia network of the body serves the following functions:
1. Provides a sliding and gliding environment for muscles and organ structures.
2. Suspends organs in their proper place.
3. Segments the different structures and functions of the body.
4. Transmits movement from muscles to bones.
5. Provides a supportive and movable wrapping for nerves and blood vessels.
6. Provides a supportive structure for the entire musculoskeletal system.
7. Stores and releases the kinetic energy generated by muscular and gravitational forces.
The fascia is also highly innervated with sensory nerve endings and has the ability to actively contract to some degree. It serves as the primary system for proprioception and for our feeling of embodied awareness.
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